In many occasions you will face the need to connect to an Azure Storage Account from an Azure VM (or VM Scale Set).
It can be through using some PowerShell script to connect to an Azure Storage Account to store or retrieve some data such as a blob within a container. At the same time, you would like to store blobs securely and avoid having public accessible blobs. You are more likely want to avoid the need to create Shared Access Signatures (SAS tokens), or even expose and manage the Storage Account Access Keys.
Well! The solution to that is through authenticating to the Storage Account using Azure Managed Identities.
There are two two types of Azure Managed Identities: an Azure artifact that is backed with autonomous Azure EntraID Service Principal that is employing self-managed credentials:
- System assigned managed identity: It’s a mapped identity to the resource (1-1 relationship), where the lifecycle of the identity is tied to the lifecycle of the Azure resource itself, it’s an Azure responsibility.
- User assigned managed identity: It’s an independent identity that can be assigned to multiple Azure resources (1-∞ relationship), making it flexible. However, the lifecycle of the identity is managed separately from the resources, it’s a Customer responsibility.
In this post, I will demonstrate using user assigned managed identity as it has various implementation scenarios. Before you start make sure that you have created a User assigned managed identity and assigned it to a VM in Azure.
You’ll notice the following in the example script snipper below:
The following are the PowerShell modules needed to run the used cmdlets. Make sure to install them wherever you are running the script:
Az.Accounts : Connect-AzAccount
Az.Storage : New-AzStorageContext, New-AzStorageContainer, Set-AzStorageBlobContent
Az.ManagedServiceIdentity : Get-AzUserAssignedIdentity
Using parameter
is the secret that allows us to leverage managed identities. Providing the other parameter-AccountId
is necessary only when there are more than one Managed Identity linked to the Azure resource, to solve the confusion. Otherwise the first managed identity in the list will be selected by default. In other words, it’s not necessary if you are using only one user assigned managed identity or if you are using system assigned managed identity.The cmdlet
was used to retrieve theClientId
of the managed identity. If you provide that value directly, then this line won’t be necessary. Also, you would need to assign the managed identity Reader access over the resource group it belongs to.When creating the Storage Account context, we needed to use the parameter
to authenticate using OAuth Protocol. After creating the context, then you will continue interacting with Azure Storage Container similar as you do typically.The permissions required to allow the managed identity to create a container and store a blob inside is Storage Blob Data Contributor.
$resourceGroupName = '<resourceGroupName>'
$managedIdentityName = '<managedIdentityName>'
$storageAccountName = '<storageAccountName>'
$newContainerName = '<newContainerName>'
$uploadFilePath = '<uploadFilePath i.e. c:\temp\image.png>'
$fileName = $uploadFilePath.Split('\')[-1]
#the following couple lines are optional if you are providing the ClientID directly
Connect-AzAccount -Identity
$managedIdentity = Get-AzUserAssignedIdentity -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -Name $managedIdentityName
#using -AccountId is only necessary when you have multiple managed identities linked to the Azure resource (i.e. Storage Account)
Connect-AzAccount -Identity -AccountId $managedIdentity.ClientId
$storageAccount = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName $storageAccountName –UseConnectedAccount
$container = New-AzStorageContainer -Name $newContainerName -Context $storageAccount.Context -Permission blob
Set-AzStorageBlobContent -File $uploadFilePath -Container $container.Name -Blob $fileName -Context $storageAccount.Context
As you noticed from the script-snippet above that there was no credentials, passwords, passphrases, secrets, keys or certificates exposed. That’s a big advantage of using managed identities, especially when storing scripts in code repository 😉 Think about it as the password-less infrastructure experience. That’s the beauty of Azure Managed Identity!
Note: The same approach is achievable through Azure CLI. You’ll just need to use the equivalent commands.
I hope this was a help introduction to start leveraging managed identities in your scripts.